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highs & lows of 2024


highs & lows of 2024

Happy 2025 friends!

WOW - when I say a LOT has happened (and changed!) in the last year…I’m not pulling any punches.

2024 was intense. Matt and I "officially" moved back to America and have (successfully?) navigated repatriating back to the USA. Moving to another country (or another continent - like we did in Poland for 2+ years!) is definitely not for the faint of heart, but holy moly - living internationally and immersing ourselves in the European lifestyle of prioritizing life (not work), traveling (super cheaply) to dream destinations on weekends, and generally learning to how to slow down and savor life - was nothing short of an absolute dream. 

Living in Europe was truly a fairytale (I mean, have you seen the pics of where we lived?!👇) and although relocating to a new country came with its stress and challenges, we wouldn’t take back our European experience for the world. 

Jamie & Matt living their dream lives in Gdańsk, Poland 🇵🇱

In fact - it’s on my vision board to be moving back to Europe as soon as we can! 

1) because Matt and I are SO much happier living in an international, European lifestyle, and 

2) because well… #America 🙄

Comparing the “greatness” of the US to other developed countries' governmental systems is a totally different subject (and the heightened political divide within US citizens is bringing some sorely overdue scrutiny to the bamboozlement and injustices most Americans are currently tolerating (but don’t need to be).

Scrutiny, questioning, learning about history & educating yourself on facts - is a great thing, in my opinion.

Even if we’re divided - we can all still LEARN and GROW. And just be basic, compassionate humans. It’s not hard to focus on your self growth and spread love - versus continuously choosing to live in toxicity and spread hate. 

Anyways, I digress. 

So what else happened in 2024 in the DeMarco (*temporarily USA based*) household?


  • We check-off the dream of living as Expats! (And successfully relocated our lives, belongings + cat all over the world…which should be a gold medal achievement in itself 😮‍💨) 

    • Our world (and life) views and outlooks have been forever changed for the way, WAY better. 🌎

  • We re-connected and visited with a ton of friends and family throughout 2024

    • Hello again to our friends and family in MD, VA, WV, PA, MA, TN, & MN! And to the ones we missed - hopefully we see you soon!

  • Matt and I went to our special place, where we got married, in Riviera Maya Mexico, 4 times. Yes, FOUR 😂 💃 🇲🇽 

  • I received a bunch of awards for my coaching & business, Find Your Fairytale™!

  • I celebrated multiple client engagements, weddings & babies!!! 💍 💕 👶

  • Matt started his latest Dream job - and we’re both working towards our solidifying our life & career legacies in 2025 🥇

  • I’m writing a book! ✍️

    • Yes, I am already a bestselling author via my epic group book, She is Magic, Always - but I’m ready to go solo! Time to share all my decades of lived, learned, and life experience with the world, baby!

  • We did our second round of IVF Egg Freezing, and now have 4 healthy frozen embryos total (WOO!!!), so we feel more secure for future family planning.

    • We did IVF in Europe in 2023 and the USA in 2024, and are SO. GLAD. to be done with this chapter… 🫠 More on that in the lows 👇


  • Repatriating back to America. This was/is SO ROUGH. 

    • Repatriation grief is a real thing (google if interested), and it SUCKS. 

    • Going from the fairytale dream life of epic travel, ideal work-life balance, relaxation, romance, insanely high quality of life, & food and wine to die for - back to the normalized extreme stress lifestyle, and the corporations-first, all-for-profit culture of the USA…was utterly shocking. And depressing.

    • And mentally…phew. There’s a reason the United States is in the middle of a mental health crisis, people. I know my therapist could have stayed in business with my therapy sessions alone last year… 😅

  • IVF in America. 👎

    • Tell me if you want to hear more about this, because it is a sensitive subject for most people - but I'm an open book! And I’m happy to share my experiences if they help others :)

    • From start to finish, to complete one round of IVF in Northern Virginia, USA (WITH extremely good insurance that covered 90% of IVF, which is coverage almost unheard of in America…) it took 9 months. 9 MONTHS!!! Like, literally it almost wiped a whole year of our lives out, due to how intensive, invasive, and consumer-knowledge-required it is. Add on the USA’s broken healthcare system - and you can’t even imagine the amount of wasted hours and headaches it took to pursue our family fertility. 

      • We even went to the top accredited and rated clinic. It’s not just them - it’s the bullshit layers of unnecessary paperwork, bureaucracy, and insurance/healthcare system greed that has broken the system, and therefore, people. (Ourselves *almost* included.) 😳

    • How can I know this? 

      • We did IVF in Europe (in Poland) in 2023 and it took 6 weeks from start to finish. And I had almost zero side effects. IVF Embryo Freezing cost $500 total with Global Health Insurance (and would have cost anyone $4,000 total to pay out of pocket/without insurance…yes, you read that right!), and we literally went to Oktoberfest in Germany like 3 days later LOL 🍻

  • Physical, mental, emotional hormonal IVF side effects. 

    • Um…WHY is no one talking more about this in America?

    • Compared to Europe, my IVF meds increased dosage wise 1150%!

    • I was in pain, and mentally, emotionally and physically completely out of it, not myself, and almost un-functional for MONTHS after my USA IVF experience…

    • Yes, we have our 4 healthy frozen embryos now…and I’m SO glad. We have future family planning options available to us now. But man…that was almost not worth it. 

  • Health issues.

    • Matt and I have received our fair share of less than pleasant diagnosis this year. Mainly due to extreme stress (Dr.’s words) and sun exposure. Make this your PSA to relax, consider alternative lifestyle/environment choices, and use sunscreen lol. 😎

Not what you thought my highs and lows would be? 

Hit reply & tell me your thoughts!

I’m all ears! 😊

A last word of inspo…

And if this newsletter (or America) has you down - don’t fret.

You can always pivot. You can always change directions. Start something new. Try something new. Do something to find joy and happiness in the little moments of your everyday life. 

Use your frustration, despair, disgust, anger (whatever you want to call it) AS FUEL to chase your dream life. 

Because hey, life is short! Tomorrow's not guaranteed.

Don’t die with your dreams inside you. 👀

Whatever your heart, soul, gut or inkling is trying to tell you…

LISTEN to it. That’s your soul's desires and your dream life path trying to snag your attention! ✨ 

And take ONE step (even if it’s small!) towards whatever lights you up TODAY. 

That’s the beginning of how your wildest dreams are created, after all. 😉 

To your dream life,

Xo Jamie

P.S. If you’re ready to take your life to the next level, you need to get clear on your specific dreams and utilize the tools to manifest them into reality. I’ll teach you step by step how to bring EXACTLY what you want into your day-to-day life (quickly!) in my self paced guidebook 👇 

Manifest ANYTHING You Want

It’s half off for a limited time! 

Click here to start manifesting your dreams today. ❤️


3 Ways to Manifest Love & Positivity


3 Ways to Manifest Love & Positivity

Hey gorgeous!

Have you ever wondered why you tend to meet the same type of (not so great) men? Or why it seems like you have to choose to either: 1) Be Single or 2) Lower your standards to be in a relationship?

Girl, I know the feeling and it SUCKS. Dating can get so discouraging - and even downright deflating! So it’s no wonder that most women get frustrated over the low quality men that seem to keep creeping into your life. Like, HELLO! Where are all the top-notch keepers?!? 🤦🏼‍♀️ 

Do you agree, love? ...sigh.

Even though it seems like finding a high-quality, relationship-ready man (that you’re actually attracted to) is impossible...I can tell you. It’s NOT. 

After decades of coaching women on how to attract their dream guy, and manifesting & marrying the most amazing hunk in the world (sorry ladies, Matt’s still taken 😉), I not only know that it IS possible to have your dream man, your ideal relationship & your happily ever after - I also know that you can manifest epic love QUICKLY with the right tools and strategies.

In today’s training, I dive into all the juicy details of the few simple steps you can take - TODAY -  to Manifest Love & Happiness. 

3 Ways to Manifest Love & Positivity

Check out: 3 Ways to Manifest Love & Positivity HERE!

Can’t wait to hear what you think beautiful,

