Hi Beautiful, 

Let’s get real for a second - we’ve all been through various stages of confidence development, figuring out who we “truly are”, and getting comfortable in our own skin. 

Personally, I cringe thinking back on my teenage dating years. Pretending to be into movies or sports (that I could care less about) just to impress a man? Wearing certain colors because I knew it was a guys favorite? Acting like we have similar interests on a date, just so he’d “be more into me”? Check, check and check. (And cue the facepalm…)

Unfortunately for teenage Jamie, I didn’t realize that altering myself in an attempt to make a man like me is actually a huge turn off! And while you may be able to get away with the lies, acting, or pretending to be a made up version of yourself for a bit - eventually this always backfires. 

Men CAN TELL when you’re not being authentic. They may not know exactly what “feels off”, but when their spidey-sense radar starts to perceive fakeness, alarm bells ring and they typically can’t get out the door fast enough.

Listen, I get wanting to impress a man! Especially if he’s super hot and you’re already wondering if he could be The One. But there’s a fine line between trying to impress and being inauthentic. 

Interestingly, it’s not your commonalities, hobbies, or shared life experiences that draw men in and make them think you could be wife material. (Someone with mutual interests/things in common could easily just be a friend!) 
So what does attract high quality men?

And how can you be an irresistible woman that not only keeps a man's interest, but makes him want to DTR (Define The Relationship) immediately?

The secret is CONFIDENCE.

Confidence - in anything and everything you do.
In all of your interests, hobbies and quirks (no matter how weird they are). Even when you’re wrong - you can confidently admit your mistakes and own up to them (and laugh at how confidently you thought you were right before!).

Being confident doesn’t mean having everything figured out or being perfect. 
Being confident means authentically and unabashedly being yourself and saying what you feel - KNOWING that not everyone will like you for it.

While you won’t be every man's type (nor would you want to be), there’s great news:
Men LOVE confident women who aren’t afraid to be themselves and tend to gravitate towards authentic women like moths to a flame. 

Is it scary to be confident and put your true self out there? Absolutely! (Especially if you haven’t done it before!)  But the thing is, once you start just brazenly being yourself, you become free. You feel different. You feel unstoppable. You feel powerful.

You stop caring so much about what other people think. You stop caring about what GUYS think.
You do you. You wear what makes you feel good.
You DO what makes you feel good.

You’re not as nervous on a first date and talk about whatever you feel like. It doesn’t matter what the outcome of a date will be - because either he’ll like you for purely who you are or he won’t. And if he doesn’t, well, good thing you didn’t waste more than an evening on him! 

At the end of the day, you want to be married to someone who you can completely be yourself with. So why not skip all the pleasantries and arbitrary dating rules and just show off what you bring to the table? (PS - It’s your super awesome self!)

I know what you’re thinking - okay Jamie, I hear what you’re saying and want to be confident in my love life, but I just don’t know how to get from where I am today - to that badass woman you just described. Help!

Fortunately, by the end of the
How to Date Authentically Guidebook, you’ll not only feel more confident in yourself and your love life - you’ll have a clear picture of who you are, what you have to offer and what makes you an irresistible woman that any guy’d be lucky to have. :)

Normally $49, How to Date Authentically is only $27 for TWO MORE DAYS!

So what are you waiting for? Increase your confidence, weed out the Mr. Wrongs, and start attracting the RIGHT kind of men TODAY. 


Cheers to your new, authentic love life gorgeous!

P.S. - Did you know that the REAL reason Prince Harry was so attracted to Meghan Markle was because she was authentically herself?! 🤯 🏻‍♀️🤴🏻 Snag your Authentic Guidebook now!
